compiled by
Professor Emeritus, Central Michigan University
While preparing a "Rock Chips" column for "Rocks & Minerals" -- published in two parts (Part 1, 74:266-269; Part 2,74:335-340 - both 1999) -- my interest led me to make an extensive literature search, which included my scanning more than 700 articles and abstracts. The resulting bibliography, given here, does NOT include publications that post-date April, 1997 -- the date the manuscript for the column was accepted for publication -- AND earlier publications about concretions that I did not find. Nonetheless, it seems worthwhile to make this bibliography available -- especially because reprints and xerox copies of many of these publications, several of which are from rather old and/or relatively obscure publications, are now on file in T-Rex Resources office building in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, AND I may be able to arrange to provide copies of such articles (etc.) to anyone who would like to see copies of the publications in that file that are not readily available elsewhere. My contact is email:
First, for what it may be worth, an introduction to the previously alluded to, forthcoming "Rock Chips" column, which has a question and answer format, follows:QUESTION #35: Why is a "hardrock petrologist" like you reviewing the literature about carbonate concretions? (From two former students, ... consulting geologists ... [posed] after reading my last Rock Chips column.)ANSWER: Carbonate concretions are of great interest and importance to both geologists and "rockhounds." Indeed, as a group these concretions embody each of the three main subjects covered in ROCKS & MINERALS -- i.e., they are rocks; they contain many minerals (a few that are rare, others that comprise fine cabinet specimens); [and] they contain fossils -- including representatives of essentially all phyla and phyta (as well as artifacts). In addition, carbonate concretions have widespread geological and geographical distributions -- geologically, they occur in rocks or deposits representing many diverse environments and in rocks of all geological periods from at least middle Precambrian to present; geographically, they have been recorded from many localities throughout the world (e.g., in all but 9 states of United States; all but two provinces of Canada; most European countries; on each of the other six continents; on oceanic islands, such as Greenland, Madagascar, and New Zealand; and from beneath the seas -- e.g., on the Norwegian continental shelf and in bottom sediments taken from Atlantic and Pacific oceans).
REFERENCES A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The following list -- admittedly with some of the citations less than correct -- includes most of the articles (abstracts, etc.) scanned. Some apparent errors so far as spacing, use of italic and bold-face type etc. reflect the fact that the bibliography was originally processed using WordStar 6.0. David Matty is thanked for putting it in the form seen here and also for including it in the web pages of the Central Michigan University Department of Geology.
Abed, A.M. and W. Schneider. 1979. Paleogeography of the so-called nodular limestone (Cenomanian), Jordan. GEOCOME-I; First geological congress of the Middle East (Ankara, Turkey, 1979). p.206-220.Abed, A.M. and W. Schneider. 1980. A general aspect in the genesis of nodular limestones documented by the Upper Cretaceous limestones of Jordan.Sedimentary Geology. 26:329-335.
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compiled by
Professor Emeritus, Central Michigan University
While preparing a "Rock Chips" column for "Rocks & Minerals" -- published in two parts (Part 1, 74:266-269; Part 2,74:335-340 - both 1999) -- my interest led me to make an extensive literature search, which included my scanning more than 700 articles and abstracts. The resulting bibliography, given here, does NOT include publications that post-date April, 1997 -- the date the manuscript for the column was accepted for publication -- AND earlier publications about concretions that I did not find. Nonetheless, it seems worthwhile to make this bibliography available -- especially because reprints and xerox copies of many of these publications, several of which are from rather old and/or relatively obscure publications, are now on file in T-Rex Resources office building in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, AND I may be able to arrange to provide copies of such articles (etc.) to anyone who would like to see copies of the publications in that file that are not readily available elsewhere. My contact is email:
First, for what it may be worth, an introduction to the previously alluded to, forthcoming "Rock Chips" column, which has a question and answer format, follows:QUESTION #35: Why is a "hardrock petrologist" like you reviewing the literature about carbonate concretions? (From two former students, ... consulting geologists ... [posed] after reading my last Rock Chips column.)ANSWER: Carbonate concretions are of great interest and importance to both geologists and "rockhounds." Indeed, as a group these concretions embody each of the three main subjects covered in ROCKS & MINERALS -- i.e., they are rocks; they contain many minerals (a few that are rare, others that comprise fine cabinet specimens); [and] they contain fossils -- including representatives of essentially all phyla and phyta (as well as artifacts). In addition, carbonate concretions have widespread geological and geographical distributions -- geologically, they occur in rocks or deposits representing many diverse environments and in rocks of all geological periods from at least middle Precambrian to present; geographically, they have been recorded from many localities throughout the world (e.g., in all but 9 states of United States; all but two provinces of Canada; most European countries; on each of the other six continents; on oceanic islands, such as Greenland, Madagascar, and New Zealand; and from beneath the seas -- e.g., on the Norwegian continental shelf and in bottom sediments taken from Atlantic and Pacific oceans).
REFERENCES A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The following list -- admittedly with some of the citations less than correct -- includes most of the articles (abstracts, etc.) scanned. Some apparent errors so far as spacing, use of italic and bold-face type etc. reflect the fact that the bibliography was originally processed using WordStar 6.0. David Matty is thanked for putting it in the form seen here and also for including it in the web pages of the Central Michigan University Department of Geology.
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