Letter offering plaster cast to Missouri Historical Societies

Allan McCollum
63 Greene Street, #308
New York, NY 10012
Tel. (212) 431 0212
Email: allanmcnyc@aol.com
Website: http://home.att.net/~allanmcnyc

June 15, 2003

To --------------------,

I would like to donate a small topographical model of the state of Missouri to your collection, if you have a use for it. I have enclosed a photograph of it with this letter.

The model measures approximately 3 x 23 x 17 inches, and is brand new. It is made from fiber-reinforced cast plaster, and is coated with white primer, ready to be painted in whatever way is best suited to your needs (exhibit display, educational aid, signage, or whatever).

The cast was taken from a model of Missouri created from computerized Geographical Information Systems data, and is scientifically accurate to a fair degree. The heights of the geological features have been exaggerated slightly, to give a better picture of the elevations across the state.

I am an artist from New York, and a number of these models were made for an exhibition at a Kansas City gallery called Grandarts. I am hoping a few of them can find a use beyond the boundaries of the contemporary art world.

I am planning to take a road trip through the state of Missouri in August, and it would be a pleasure for me to bring the model to you, should you be interested in accepting the gift.

I've enclosed a self-addressed, stamped envelope for your reply. I apologize for the short notice, and I hope you can let me know right away if you would like the model, so I can plan my trip accordingly.

Best regards,

Allan McCollum

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