Dinosauropodes Magrawii

N. Sp. Lull, Pes; Type specimen, Catalog No. 1. Length of entire foot including heel, 4 feet, 5 1/2 inches, length of step 12 feet, trackway 3 feet 6 inches. Other specimens of this species are Cat. No. 2 D-Strevell, Pes; Cat. No. 3 D -Maguire, Pes. Three three-toed casts

Dinosauropodes Nettletoni

N. Sp. Lull, Pes; Type Specimen Catalogue No. 18. Length of entire foot including heel 9 1/2 inches. Other specimens of this species is Cat. No. l9 D-Watson, Pes. Two small three-toed casts.

Dinosauropodes Sternbergii

N. Sp. Lull, Pes; Type speciman Catalogue No. 17. Length of entire foot including heel 1 foot 11 inches. Only specimen of the species. Three three-toed cast.

Dinosauropodes Osborni

N. Sp. Lull, Pes; Type specimen, Catalogue No. 20, Length of entire foot including heel, 1 foot 3 1/2 inches. Other specimens of this species are Cat. No. 21 D-Beckwith, Pes; Cat. No. 22 D-Pettit, Pes; Cat. No. 23 D-Granger, Pes; Cat. No. 24 D-Burdick, Pes, Cat. No. 25 D-Monroe, Pes. Six four-toed casts.

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