1. Find a seat.
2. Look at the black paper in front of you.
The paper is divided into four sections.
Each section has a number on it.
There is a "t" on each piece of paper that
divides the sections.
3. In section 1, draw one continuous
line between the points of the "t".
Your line can be curvy, zig-zagged, straight
or anything in between (but keep in
mind that you will be cutting along this
line later, so you may want to keep it simple).
4. Now draw a line connecting the points
in section 2.
Think about if this line will be similar to your
line in section 1 or different.
5. Draw a line in section 3.
6. Draw a line in section 4.
7. Cut along the lines to create one large shape.
8. Now divide your shape into four sections by cutting along the lines of the "t."
9. Set aside section 3. Then swap the rest of
your sections with other people near-by.
Make sure once you have finished swapping,
that you have a section 1, 2, 3, and 4.
10. Now re-align your sections and have your
grown up carefully tape them together to form one big shape. Try to get them to touch so
that the sides line up and there are no gaps or overlapping sections.
11. When finished taping, flip it over and look at the unique shape you made.
12. Using a glues stick, glue it to the white background. Align the center of the shape with the dot on the paper. Be sure the dot is on the top half of the paper.
13. Now pick a color you wish to use for your frame and glue the white square to the frame.
14. Then bring it to one of the volunteers in the Cullman lobby, who will hang it on the wall.
15. Add your name to the list of collaborators.
16. Look at all of the unique shapes. Can you find the parts you made?
17. If you would like, you can create another shape to take home with you (repeat steps 1-13).