EXERPTED FROM: The Last Dinosaur Book by W. T. J. Mitchell University of Chicago Press, 1998. That doesn't mean that dinosaur painters or sculptors lack skill or imagination. Waterhouse Hawkins, Charles Knight, Rudolf Zallinger, and many contemporary dinosaur artists are absolutely first-rate in their fields. But they would understand without a moment's hesitation why the peculiar status of their subject matter and their realistic style of representation prevents them from being taken seriously in the world of fine art. The exclusion of dinosaurs from the spaces of the art worldfrom the studio, the gallery, and the fine arts museumexemplifies one of the central principals of high modernism. It illustrates perfectly the difference between modernity (of which the dinosaur is the totem animal) and modernism (an aesthetic of purity that rigorously excludes kitsch subject matter). This sort of purist modernism is mainly associated with the rise of abstract expressionism in American art after World War II, and with the art criticism of Clement Greenberg.[3]
The emergence of postmodernism since the 1960s had made it possible for dinosaurs to "cross the park" from the museum of natural history to the museum of fine art, from the space of mass culture to the world of elite, cutting-edge art-making. Mark Dion's multi-media art installation When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (Toys R U.S.) reconstructs the dinotopia that is now available to children in the United States (and in Japan and other "developed" countries around the world). In Dion's installation, the dinosaur is both figure and background, a multitude of objects and images in a space and the wallpapered environment in which those objects are placed. The title of the installation suggests that the time when dinosaurs ruled the earth is not just the paleontological past, but also the immediate present, when its global circulation has reached epidemic proportions. The parenthetical qualifier of the title, "Toys R U.S.," suggests that this global epidemic has its center in the United States, and in "us." The installation may be viewed retrospectively as well, as an already archaic site (like the tomb of King Tut, filled with the toys and effigies of his attendants), as if Dion were leaving a message in a time capsule for future generations to follow.
Traditional notions of the relation of copy and original, not to mention the status of the artistic "authorial" function, are clearly under considerable pressure in these works, and their effect is very difficult to pin down. In some ways, these works seem to fulfill Walter Benjamin's prediction that the age of mechanical reproduction would mean that the endless series of identical replicas would replace the unique art object with its "aura" of authorial expressiveness and tradition. McCollum makes "mass produced" objects in a kind of art factory, like an automobile manufacturer. Yet the objects do seem to have a kind of melancholy aura, one that is increased rather than diminished by their mass gathering in the space of display. It is as if they were occasions for a double mourning, first for the deaths of the remote creatures whose traces are retraced here, and second for loss of auratic uniqueness itself, as if we were grieving over the loss of the ability to feel certain kinds of emotions. Certainly these works don't tend to provoke laughter the way the surrogates do. They are too literal in their evocation of death, disaster, and mass extinction. The dog, as the favorite domestic animal of the Romans, evokes the sphere of privacy and the everyday in the proximity of catastrophe. The bones, on the other hand, evoke the larger public spheres of the nation and the worldthe dinosaur as giant "ruler of the earth," a symbol of the American nation or of the human race more generally. Taken together, McCollum's "dog and bone" series suggest a kind of symbiotic completeness in the postmodern rendering of nature. McCollum's own remarks on the bones makes it clear that a specifically national feeling was central to the production of this work: Sometimes I almost self-consciously functioned as an American when I was plotting out the dinosaur project. I went out to Utah to see Dinosaur National Monument, where a lot of those fossils were found that I borrowed . . . to make my molds. I enjoyed the discovery that people in Utah . . . claim dinosaur bones as their heritage. It might seem peculiar to you as a European, but responding to that as an American, I totally understood what they meant. I think from a European perspective one might think, It's not your heritage; if anything, it's the earth's heritage.[5] The installation of these bones in the neoclassical atrium of the Carnegie Museum is for me (also an American) an uncanny resurrection of Thomas Jefferson's lost "bone room" in the east Room of the White House, as if we were privileged to go back in time and see the mastodon bones replaced by their cultural descendents, the dinosaurs.
[1.] This chapter, reproduced here in exerpted form only, in its complete version also discusses the artwork of Robert Smithson. [2.] See especially Greenberg's famous essay, "Avant Garde and Kitsch," and my essay on the modernist concept of the purified artwork, "Ut Pictura Theoria: Abstract painting and the Repression of Language," chapter 7 in Picture Theory, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994. [3.] Allan McCollum: Interview by Thomas Lawson, (Los Angeles: A.R.T. Press, 1996. I'm grateful to Anthony Elms for bringing McCollum's work to my attention. [4.] Lawson, ibid. Return to: Selected texts Return to: MAIN |