Through his wacky cartoons which depict the most elaborate and ridiculous devices to accomplish the most mundane tasks, RUBE GOLDBERG'S "INVENTIONS" have become synonymous with any maximum effort to achieve minimal results. His ingenious drawings follow their own impeccable logic, demonstrating that the unnecessary can also be the mother of invention - often with hilarious results.
Rube's audience spans generations, from adults well versed in the promise and pitfalls of modern technology to younger fans who are Intrigued by the creativity and possibility of invention.
Rube Goldberg's "Inventions" :
All copyright and reproduction rights are the property of Rube Goldberg Inc.
- How to Keep Shop Windows Clean
- Simple Fly Swatter
- Dodging Bill Collectors
- Keep from Forgetting to Mail your Wife's Letter
- Picture Snapping Machine
- Safety Device for Walking on Icy Pavements
- How to Keep the Boss from Knowing you are Late for Work
- Kicking a Golf Ball Out of the Sand Trap
- Lighting a Cigar While Driving
- Keep Your Golf Opponent from Cheating
Rube Goldberg is a registered trademark of Rube Goldberg Inc who hold
the Rube Goldberg copyrights and trademarks. While we encourage educational,
non-profit and commercial reprint and use of Rube's work, permission
to reproduce drawings and images, or use our trademark (RUBE GOLDBERG) in
any way or in any media (including presentations, training materials, etc.
both in-house and to clients), must be secured prior to use and requested
in writing. E-Mail to us at rube@rubegoldberg.com. or telephone
(203) 227-0818 Ext 34 or fax to (203) 557-4625 for permission to use, our licensing
fees and or other intellectual property licensing considerations.