Figure 4-12. Natural casts of several dinosaur footprints removed from the Price River Coal Company mine roof. 4, pes with narrow toes, probable theropod, smallest specimen in the collection, 28.5 cm long. 5-6, pes, narrow-toed, possibly produced by the same theropod taxa, 61 and 59 cm in length respectively. 7, pes, Dinosauropodes Bransfordii Lull, probable hadrosaur, 73 cm long; note rounded callous pads under toes. 8, pes with no evident toes, 52 cm long- the extended metatarsus like that seen in Figure 7 may indicate the same, or similar taxa produced both. Figure 9, pes, D. magrawii Lull, probable hadrosaur, 87.5 cm long. 10, pes with triangular toes, cordate metatarsus, linear callous pads, probable theropod, 61.5 cm long. 11-12, pedes witht hick rounded toes, shallow-cordate metatarsus and rounded callous pads; these may have been produced by the same hadrosaur taxa, 53 and 72 cm long respectively. - Return to Reprint - |